
Support across the life-cycle of your technology project

Our team has extensive experience working with clients in relation to technology related matters, including major IT outsourcing and procurement, escrow obligations, software development, defect rectification obligations, KPIs, systems acquisition and integration, database warehousing, maintenance and support and licensing agreements.

We have assisted clients with the conduct and resolution of technology related disputes, including issues relating to intellectual property rights, third party rights and claims involving defects.

Experience highlights

NBN Rollout

Acting for the head contractor in relation to various claims for variations and extension of time.

One of our directors (prior to joining MolinoCahill) was also one of the lead advisors to NBN Co and led the development, negotiation and implementation of the umbrella design and construct contracts used for the rollout and long-term operation and maintenance agreements for the network.

Victorian Infringement Management and Enforcement System

Advising a contractor on the termination of a significant information technology build agreement and representing the contractor in its successful application for a stay of proceedings and the subsequent arbitration of the dispute.

Department of Defence Technology Systems

Advising a US-based defence contractor on a range of issues relating to the procurement of technologies by the Australian Department of Defence, including IP and liability issues.

Other industry sectors

Renewable Energy

We have advised on a range of complex renewable energy projects including generation and storage (spanning wind, solar and pumped hydro) and transmission infrastructure.

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Transport Infrastructure

Our team has advised on some of Australia’s most iconic major transport infrastructure projects across the whole project life-cycle, including major road, rail, airports and port projects.

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Social Infrastructure

We have significant experience on social infrastructure projects, including hospitals, prisons, schools and major water infrastructure such as desalination plants.

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Energy & Resources

We act on major energy and resources projects, gas pipelines, power stations, mining projects, metals and plant infrastructure.

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Defence & Aviation

We have acted for principal contractors, subcontractors and suppliers on defence upgrade projects, supply agreements for vessels and heavy equipment, through to life support contracts, IT service agreements, teaming agreements and alliance contracts.

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How we can help

Project Procurement & Advisory

We understand the current market and sector conditions affecting the procurement and delivery of major infrastructure projects across Australia and the delivery models and project documentation adopted on these projects.

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Project Delivery & Contract Administration

We assist our clients during the implementation of a project by providing clear and pragmatic advice on all aspects of contract interpretation and administration – including in relation to claims and dispute management and avoidance.

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Dispute management and resolution is an important part of the services we offer. We are experienced in all forms of dispute resolution and are geared to support the conduct of significant disputes.

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Recent insights

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Victorian Supreme Court considers the scope of Holden’s endeavour to supply obligation

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Liquidated damages and common law damages – can I be liable for both?

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Is a principal liable for the same debt twice under SOPA and the Contractors Debts Act?

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